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PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source programming language that is widely used for web development. It is the scripting language that powers WordPress and many other popular websites. Updating PHP can be seen as one of the most important steps in maintaining the security of a website. This is because newer versions of PHP often […]
Medium Rare WordPress Tutorial 2022 If you’re looking to improve your WordPress website, this video tutorial is for you. We’ll be walking through a real-life example of how to make edits and improvements that will help increase sales and conversion rates. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, there are some key insights […]
Best Woocommerce Website Plugins Here are 4 of the best plugins to use for WordPress websites. Looking for social proof plugins? Do you have a WooCommerce website that powers your e-commerce store? Here is one of the best plugins to add onto your eCommerce website, giving you the best bang for your buck. These four […]
Best Way To Backup Your Website This is the fastest way to back up your website. For FREE. Using a plugin that is used by over 3 million Wordpress websites. Save yourself hours of time. Check out our video below to how to backup your wordpress website today. Protect your business by having a backup […]
How to update wordpress plugins. Updating plugins can be easy but it can also cause your website to crash. In this video we look at how you can update your Wordpress plugins. In this Wordpress tutorial, we walk you through updating the Wordpress plugins step by step. This Wordpress plugin tutorial is a guide to […]
This is the first video in our wordpress beginner series. In this short video we show you how to log in to your wordpress website. The wp-admin section will bring you to your wordpress dashboard.
Here is our step by step guide to creating Woocommerce coupons for your Wordpress website. Understand how to create a new coupon for your wordpress woocommerce powered website. We walk you through the step by step process on how to create a new coupon and we talk about the rules that you can change for […]
Learn how to create and edit a blog post in wordpress. We use the Avada theme in this video, showing you the key items you should look at. The Avada theme is one of the biggest, best, and easy to up wordpress premium themes available on the market. How to name your website page Selecting […]
How to delete and restore a wordpress page or blog post. This quick tips video shows you how you can delete, remove, and restore a page within a few clicks. We use the Avada wordpress theme in this video. But, the tips work for all wordpress websites, it does not matter what wordpress template you […]