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Google has stopped announcing most updates, if you hear about a Google update, it is going to be a HUGE update that affects millions of websites rankings!
And, Google has been making major updates in 2022 to improve the user experience of websites.
These updates are focused on enhancing SEO performance and combating spam, as well as promoting businesses that provide helpful and informative content to their users.
Some of the key updates include changes to expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) ratings for websites, new location-specific search features, and an emphasis on high-quality content creation.
By keeping up with these changes and focusing on creating a great user experience for your visitors, you can make sure that your website remains competitive in today’s online landscape.
So if you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to optimizing your website for SEO performance, be sure to keep up with the latest Google updates in 2022 and beyond.
Follow Googles Official Search Central account son twitter to keep up with announcements.
Today we released the September 2022 core update. We’ll update our ranking release history page when the rollout is complete:
Google is looking to remove personal information about you. They have announced the rollout of the new Google Tool “Results about you” tool for Google Search. This new feature makes it easy to request the removal of search results that contain personal information such as your home address, phone number, or email address.
With this update, you can now take control over what information is shown when someone searches for you online. Simply visit and request the removal of any content that you would prefer not to be publicly available in search results.
Today, we’re rolling out the “Results about you” tool for Google Search, making it easy to request the removal of search results that lead to content with personally identifying information, such as your personal phone number, home address or email address…
The Helpful Content Update – make sure to focus on people first content and avoid search-engine first content. You can read the full article on Google’s Helpful Content Update here. This update is fully automated and you do not need to do anything to get the benefit of the updates. The main thing you need to consider is to create HELPFUL CONTENT that is targeted towards the user, not the search engine. Make sure to ask and answer the questions your customers are using and don’t hide information.
Avoid Creating Content For SEO: Top Tips from Google
Is the content primarily to attract people from search engines, instead of being made for humans?
Are you producing lots of content on different topics hoping it will perform well?
Are you summarizing what other businesses have to say without adding value?
Are you writing about things just because they are trending online and not because you’d write about them otherwise for your existing audience?
Does you give enough information or does your content leave readers feeling like they need to search again to get better information from other sources?
3. What Google Search Console Updates Happened in Q4 2022
Google Search Console helps explain how a website is doing in Google Search and gives essential tips and tricks on how to improve your website rankings. Google is focusing on simplifying Search Console, helping more people get benefits from it as it is a key tool for any business looking to improve its website rankings. Video Indexing Report is a new update from Google, helping people understand what videos are being indexed and what videos are having issues.
Watch: Official Google Video giving a more in-dept look at what Google updated in Q4 of 2022.